I have to begin with some explanation about the kinds of books I feel support primary readers. Since most kids are coming into first grade needing practice with rhyme, repetition and pattern in text, practice with reading and rereading high frequency words within text, practice reading with picture support and short text to begin building stamina during workshop, I am often looking for books that support these readers. When I find books that match these criteria I use them for everything but often introduce them as shared reading ( We read them again and again, noticing new features each read) and then kids often want to add these to their book bins for independent reading. I often pull them back out during writing workshop to notice their craft. For me these books are often WHOLE texts that kids can model. Again, for me, I often like simple craft (again, the criteria I mentioned above... repetition, pattern, pictures, etc.) that kids can model in an entire text. So here are new books (that I use for just about everything) I think every primary library should have are:
This is the Way by Charles Fuge

What will Fat Cat Sit On? By Jan Thomas

Pigeon Wants a Puppy by Mo Willems

Ok, this is my favorite Pigeon book in the Mo Willems
series. It is very primary friendly and it contains many high
frequency words kids need practice reading in text. It also
asks readers to infer questions the reader poses as Pigeon answers.
This book worked as a mentor text for my stronger writers last year as
one student wrote her version...The Pigeon Wants a Walrus where she
experimented with inferencing (like Mo) in her own writing. This text also worked for another student who was practicing voice in his story...I Want a New Puppy.
Not a Box by Antoinette Portis

This book is another favorite with kids as Portis asks
us to infer using pictures what the rabbit is pretending to do with
the box. This book inspired books called Not a book and Not a Hat last
year. Don't forget to check out Not a Stick by Portis.

New Socks by Bob Shea
I just can't help but love the voice and pictures of this story.
I fell in love with the chick and the pride he has in his new socks.
He begins with "Notice anything different about me?" I love this beginning.
Check out other Bob Shea books...Big Plans and Dinosaur Vs. Bedtime.
Ok, I have a long list of others but these are a few of my favorites.
I was going to be so totally impressed by your ability to pick five, but then I read the last sentence and you became human again!
GREAT list -- I'll share with our primary teachers and our librarian!
Okay, I need one more:-)
I have four of these.
Thanks--I so needed this!
These are all books I don't have! Thanks for the suggestions. I do love the purely picture books. (Not a Box). I just started a basket this year of books with no text! That would be perfect!
I couldn't agree more! Not a box and Not a stick are definitely winners!
p.s. I admire people that can narrow things down to top 5 or top 10! love it!
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