Today as we began our second year together, I asked my students to notice something changed or new about our classroom. Noticing is such an essential skill for learners as kids use observation across the curriculum. It is also fun and something that most kids can do. So, after asking them to jot down their observation we quickly grouped similar observations. Here is the data ( I was so interested by their observations):
6 kids noticed right away that we had 1 new computer
3 kids noticed something about our round table (it has a new scale on it) (one post-it was modeled by me)
4 kids noticed the new chairs and bean bags
3 kids noticed many new books
4 kids noticed other things (new chart on wall, new partner to share coat hook with...)
This time helped me find out what is important to kids about space and learning. I can tell they enjoy and value technology. They enjoy little nooks and places to sit and get comfortable as they learn as 7 out of 20 kids noticed pieces of the room that really had to do with furniture.
The noticing set many other questions in motion that helped me to begin to explain routines and management of supplies and folders. It was so much fun, I think we are going to do it tomorrow as we notice the school hallways!