Thursday was the first day this summer that I was off duty as mom. I spent my day at Darby Farms here in Columbus listening to CAFE wisdom from The Sisters. CAFE stands for comprehension, accuracy, fluency and expanding vocabulary, the menu and system that guides their instruction for readers. I loved learning about their creative system for growing their readers. The Sisters were so personable and very funny. I was fortunate enough to share lunch with them and they talked about how their new book about CAFE in the classroom should be out this fall. Their previous book The Daily Five ( fostering literacy independence in the elementary grades) is available now. Here are some of the big ideas that I came away with as I begin thinking about next year and reading workshop:
1. Keep it short: mini lessons, conferring time ( Brain research indicates student's age reflects how long kids can pay attention)
2. We are guiding reader's through strategy instruction not just doing guided reading with a leveled book
3. Teacher's are on a journey...we have to trust where we are and respect where other's are
The Sisters are also featured on one of my favorite sites for educators and coaches...Choice Literacy. If you haven't signed up for the weekly newsletter (The Big Fresh), now is the time before school starts!!!
Katie, you are so sweet. And I appreciate your prayers because that's what I really need the most now.
You've got them (prayers that is)!! Isn't it so hard to trust sometimes? (I have the same struggle) You will be fabulous!
How fun that you got to meet the Sisters -- I'd love to meet them in person! Watching their tapes always makes me think they're both probably fabulous hostesses! :)
Glad you took so much away from your day with them!
I am anxious to hear about what you learned. We will have to make time to chat.
Can't wait to chat!!
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