Yesterday we signed up for the Summer Reading Program at the Dublin Library. This library happens to be next to a gorgeous stream with a number of small waterfalls all surrounded by layers of rock and trees all tall as the sky. The area is called Indian Run Falls. Until yesterday it was one of our city's best kept secrets. For the first time, we discovered the wooded path and sets of steps that surround the stream after hearing about its beauty from our old neighbor. As we started in down the path, the boys and I were all sharing a new sense of adventure...a new wood...a new path...unsure of its ending. Larry was running trying to see if the waterfall was really there. We followed closely behind and with my voice cautioning to watch out for the poison ivy (we've already had our share of it this spring!). "Mom look! The waterfall!" I heard and as we walked further we discovered a few more. We found a safe path for flip flop hiking and headed down to the water. It was breathtaking. The boys and I walked through the stream climbing rocks and even noting a few dead fish. We spent about an hour adventuring through the stream and along the paths.
As we climbed up the dirt path to leave, I noticed a moth twitching on the ground clinging to a dry leaf. I picked it up gently showing the boys and talking about whether it was truly a butterfly or moth. We noticed it climb onto my thumb. It stayed there not able to fly away, Injured I assumed. I thought about how I wished I was unable to fly away. I wished I could stay in that morning forever. I didn't want to leave that childlike happiness that I was again experiencing with my own children. But we did leave, hot and sweaty by the time we reached the beginning of the the path. We couldn't stop talking about our adventures driving home. I know we are all looking forward to going back.
Wow! How amazing is this! Something to put on my Summer Goals meme!
I've heard about it before, and how amazing it is, but with your picture, it will be on my list of what to do after my next library visit.
Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for "taking me along" on this wonderful exploration! How fun to see the world through your kids' eyes!
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