Writing workshop has been running happily each day with kids loving time to write their ideas. Katie W Ray inspired me to try studying pictures in these beginning weeks of school after reading her book, In Pictures and In Words. I know the noticing students are participating in will only help them throughout the year as we investigate and read more books by great authors and illustrators. These first few weeks, I used much of what I noticed kids needing and wondering about to decide which picture books to study in workshop. The books that made the list are :
Bob Graham's

How To Heal A Broken Wing and "Let's Get a Pup" Said Kate (two of my personal favorites) in which we noticed Bob's use of boxes to tell more of the story with pictures and his use of color to show feelings and distinguish from day and night.
Jan Johnson's
Wrapped in Love (I posted about here) We used to notice how illustrators can show more of what is happening in the picture by showing two places
by using a window (out and in). The kids also thought it was important because it allowed her to match the pictures to the words better.
Mo Willems
Many Elephant and Piggy Books, specifically, Are You Ready To Play Outside
We really noticed movement techniques, like the way Mo makes Piggy's legs bend and the movement lines he puts next to her. The kids also picked up on the notion of word bubbles and many are having fun trying their own.
Chris Haughton's
Kids were also intrigued by how Chris used dots to show the movement of the owl falling from
the tree.
Beth Cadena's
In this story, kids made connections to Bob Graham's work because of the way Beth also shows us more of the story through pictures. They also noticed how Beth shows each step of movement when sister runs down the steps.
And, because my kids have all gravitated to the Melanie Watt basket:
This book was great because I had introduced the idea of drawing and
writing lists the week before I read it aloud. Afterwards, we noticed that Melanie Watt pops lists into the middle of her stories.
All such fun with so many kids catching on to the notion of noticing. Here is one kiddo's picture using a movement idea like Beth Cadena used in Supersister. In this picture, one student shows himself diving off the board at the pool: you can experience each movement of his jump to the water!
Hi there,
I'm Nicole Jewell. I have a teacher blog at . It's called The Plan and the truth is that it's a little boring! I was hoping to talk to you about guest blogging. Would you be interested?
I will have to pick up the book: In Pictures and In Words. I feel like I can incorporate this into some of my 1st and 2nd grade curriculum in art class. Great way to share how art is all about "sharing our own story"!!
This is SOOO smart! Love it!
Thanks, Katie. Sometimes I feel like you're just reading my mind when you write your posts! In Writer's Workshop we're also talking about the way illustrators use pictures to help tell their story. I've been struggling with a way to make these conversations a bit more concrete. I love your chart with a picture example of what students noticed. You have many books (and variations of illustrating) we hadn't considered. Thanks for sharing! I always learn so much from your posts.
Thanks! Seems so easy now that you put it out there like that! Now I have a shopping list and a lesson plan! First step...teaching through the POP-UP books that are all that in our workshop!
Thanks for sharing, Katie.
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