This summer I picked up a book for the superhero basket we have in our classroom. The book is called Dex The Heart of a Hero. The first words you read about Dex on the back of the book are: Everything about Dex was little--except for his dreams. Dex, like many young boys and girls, enjoys imagining himself as a superhero. In fact, he studies comics, movies and books to learn everything he can about superheroes. He runs up garbage mountains and vaults over curbs to build up his muscles and dresses as a superhero. Dex began putting out trash fires, saving animals from sewers and organizing neighborhood clean up days. The story ends with a creative superhero save involving the neighborhood cat. This story was a hit when I shared it for read aloud this year and I know the kids will appreciate having a class copy.
Other superhero books in our basket:
Any other superhero favorites?
Thanks a BILLION for the idea! A Superhero basket! Cool! Here are two suggestions...
Super Cilantro Girl
by Juan Felipe Herrera
(A bilingual story about a little girl who's mom is held at the Mex border; she dreams about rescuing her...)
SuperHero ABC
by Bob McCleod
(A superhero for each letter, a cool book to teach alliteration)
Glad to see girls in the basket!!!
How about BabyMouse?
Great title ideas...love Superhero ABC and can't wait to check out Super Cilantro Girl.
Mary Lee-Just bought a few for second grade and love the idea of adding them to this basket.
What a great idea! Kids love the idea of heros. These text will help our young readers connect and develop a better understanding of what it really means to be a hero!
I think Hero Cat by Eileen Spinelli would be anohter great title for this basket,
I love Eileen Spinelli and don't know this book. Thanks for the idea!
Yes, I love the idea! A Superhero Basket! Excellent.
Baby Brains, maybe?
What about a biography or two about some real amazing people?
Just thinking aloud....
Love the biography idea too!
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