It has been a wet and gloomy day here in Dublin, Ohio. What better way to cheer up then to take a quick browse at the new releases in the children's section of the library. Today as I was returning an over due dvd, I did jut that. I was pleasantly surprised to find poetry! I am always on the look out for new poetry that primary kids will enjoy. Franki recently discovered a new find on my list called Bill Martin Jr.'s Big Book of Poetry. Check it out here!
I happened to discover a book by Marilyn Singer called Shoe Bop! Shoe Bop begins with the words...Today my sneaker died. These words share the page with a pair of torn up purple sneakers. The story in this text is driven by short poems that Marilyn has written to compliment the journey of a little girl picking out new shoes at the shoe store. Who doesn't love getting new shoes? I have boys and they love new shoes as much as I do.
As the actual short poems tell many of the detailed parts of the story, we are given larger titles in larger text that help us along the story like...the salesman thinks he's being helpful. After this title, we enjoy short poems that tell about the shoes he tries selling ...poems about Mary Janes, Loafers and saddle shoes. The voice of the little girl jumps back into the story when we read a title called...Maybe I should get party shoes instead. The author then has short poems about dress up shoes, fancy sandals and High Heels. I like this one.
High Heels
I like how it feels
to wear high heels,
platforms or wedges.
I can peek over hedges.
I can reach a tall shelf.
I am so proud of myself.
Mama says, "No,
wait till you grow."
But isn't it true
that's what heels
make you do?
Marilyn takes us through the rest of the shopping trip with poems about many other kinds of shoes...shoes for exploring, shoes that are noisy, light-up shoes, shoes I used to wear, and shoes I've never worn at all. The ending is not surprising as the little girl finally chooses a pair of new sneakers...it is the style and color that leaves you smiling. These poems are short, sweet and readable for primary kids. I love the way this book is laid out and I love how I will be able to talk to kids about how poetry is storytelling.
You can visit Marilyn's site for quotes and notes about writing stories and poems. One that warmed me comes from writer, Walter Mayes. He says "A poem is a communication from one soul to another that makes one or both hearts sing." I can't wait to ask my own students what poetry means to them.
I think I am definitely going to need this one!
Sounds like a very fun must-read!
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