Sunday, September 7, 2014

Holding On To Little Things

I've forgotten how rewarding yet hard the first few weeks of school can be.  I forget every year. Maybe because the learning and growth of the previous class is still on my mind.  Maybe we as teachers are programmed to forget so that we keep our expectations high.  Whatever the reason, the beginning of the year always rocks me physically and mentally as we set up routines.  I've been trying to hold on to little things as the weekend approaches so I leave with some feeling that what I am doing and what my kids are doing matters.

This weekend I held onto two little things.

The first was reading alongside a student who is learning to become aware of her strengths as a reader.  We met about a text I had pulled for her to support her. She has been finding a number of books that she enjoys and reads some of the ideas and soaks up pictures. She is unaware yet of how to self correct herself and solve problems when reading, so I was ready to supplement with text that she could practice everything including reading fluently and understanding. As I introduced it to her, I asked her to think about the the story (and pictures of course) whenever she encountered a problem.  I watched her read this and self correct herself for the first time in the 12 days we have know each other.  It was a small piece of joy when she used meaning to fix up things on her own.  Afterwards I asked her about what felt good about the reading and she said, "I figured words out."  It gave us both some happiness and hope for the year.

The second little thing I came across today as I was in my classroom skimming book bins.  I noticed the book bin of a little girl who had been sick for a few days this week.  I noticed her reading log and some post its on the front...
It gave me a little smile to think this little third grader was taking her reading in her own hands. She was taking the invitation to independence seriously.  

I've decided to not only to hold onto the little things as the week ends but to try to hold on to one each day this week. Our kids and our work matters.


Anonymous said...

Love how this young reader is taking over the responsibility for learning! :)

Obiuser said...

gan good job, this article is very interesting to note, cool deh,, of course we have new insights that we get after reading it, thanx yah :-)

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