It was a busy day today at school, as always. As we slowed down to reflect about what went well one little girl said library went well because she found a new Biscuit book she hadn't read (Biscuit and the Baby). One student said writing workshop because she finished her book about the planets. But many of my students spoke about their experiences in the computer lab. Today was exciting because my students learned to access pictures online at Pics4learning. It was complete happiness as they found pictures that matched a wonder post they had worked on last week in kidblog. They loved looking at the options they had and deciding which picture best matched their post. One student kept repeating how anxious she was for everyone to see the cute dog picture she found to match her post. They needed me quite a bit even after modeling but I also found some experts at maneuvering through the site and back into kidblog. I knew it would require patience on my part for the 30 mins it was new. The pay off though will be worth it. I know the more they practice and we talk about their decisions, the more creative and engaging their posts will be. Here are a few pics of their wonder posts:

So many great things are going on in your classroom! No wonder the students had a wide variety of favorite moments!
Again, I love how the kids are so engaged in their learning--at such a young age. How lucky they are to have you!
I like the format of this work - wondering.
What a great connection between tools and resources for your students! The ones who have it all figured out will probably quickly teach their friends. Nice work!
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