I haven't been spending all my time this Spring Break on Twitter (though I can easily spend too much time socially networking). I have found some things that interest me. These are all tweets that have connected me with information and educators through Twitter. They are also tweets that have me thinking.
1. Penny Ryder's tweet about a blog post where she uses teacher tube to help teach regrouping in math. I am hoping to use teacher tube more often and these videos are another step in thinking about "How can we make learning visible?"
2. A tweet that Kim Cofino linked to a You Tube video on Learning to Change/Changing to Learn: Student Voices. The big ideas that I heard kids explain that they are using with technology: choice, writing, communicating, experimenting, decision making, problem solving, thinking in new ways, knowing yourself better. How can we use what kids already know about technology and play with their inquiry in the classroom?
3. A read a tweet from Will Richardson that linked me to TED (which quite frankly I did not know much about until reading about them online). Technology Entertainment Design featuring "ideas worth spreading." I was fascinated by the wearable technology in this talk about creating a "Sixth Sense." How could this support learners who have trouble with expression, hearing and understanding and more?
I hate to be a pessimist, but what are the chances that TeacherTube is blocked at school. That'd be ironic, eh?
Just want you to know that your post about your 5 year-old's teacher sending you a video clip by email is STILL banging around in my head. I'm going to see how much time this takes (gotta start using my new Flip!). I'm pretty sure the payoffs will be worth it.
Mary Lee-
I have the same attitude about the filter but Karen told me that Teacher Tube does make it through the filter. If it doesn't make it through, can I access it through Penny's blog or will it not come through there as well? I'll let you know.
Have fun with the flip!! Can't wait to see what you and your kids create.
TED is a great source for amazing animal videos...
I can get Teacher tube through my work station, but no luck on the laptops or student work stations. Maybe our techs can help us?
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