After reading chapters 1-3, I found myself nodding my head in agreement with Johnston. His research and beliefs about the impact of language in almost spiritual for me (especially the pages on praise when reminded that praise is about us vs. the children). There were a few places in these first few chapters where I tagged the pages with little post-it flags (that I drew a heart upon) signaling my love for the explanation of his thinking.
1) My first flag appeared on page 14 when Johnston begins to dig deeper into explaining the fixed and dynamic learning frames. On this page, I began to synthesize what he was saying into my own understanding: We have to teach children the value in learning and perseverance; not in feeling smart and achieving the highest test score. While I believe this, executing it with supporting language will be the challenge for me. I began to look forward to learning more.
2) On page 18, I also flagged the line describing how dynamic learners work toward improving the group relationship:
"When people are trying to learn something together and they disagree, dynamic-learning theorists focus on the conflict in ideas and try to integrate their different perspectives. In the process, each develops a more positive view of his or her partner's ability."
This section hit home because I began to think about the importance of modeling. What kind of language will allow me to do this? What do I say now and how will that change this year?
3) In chapter 3 I began to write ideas for language prompts that will support my students in the classroom. I love to draw on expert teachers and learn from them. Pegeen and Susie certainly know how to honor children and their ideas. On top of each page I found myself collecting phrases that support the dynamic learning frame and rereading them to solidify them in my brain. Here are a few I collected:
You have learned so much!
He just made a bad choice, don't you think. Not a bad guy, just made a decision with out considering others.
Look how you figured that out! you made a plan, you listened to one another...
How did you do that?
How did you know that?
Thanks for teaching us that.
Are you ready to get started?Do you have a plan?You don't need to tell me your plan. I might be able to figure out your plan from your behavior.
This book is reminding me again that so much of our work in the classroom has to be selfless. The work that goes into begin selfless can be hard and takes practice. Kids come first.
This book looks like one I would enjoy a lot. Thanks for the recommendation.
I am collecting my phrases on the inside book covers! Always enjoy reading your reflections.
Thanks for sharing the language you will be using in your classroom. Finding the words will be a learning process. I like Mary's idea of keeping phrases on the cover of the book. Maybe we should start placing them on the wall wisher for #cyberPD.
So glad you took the time to post. I ALWAYS love reading what you have to say.
Katie, I have been so drawn into this book! I found it on Education week and immediately went to the preview online. So many, many children, including my own daughter have a fixed view of intelligence. It creates road blocks for learning and risk taking. I listened to the podcast with the author on the Stenhouse website. As teachers, and parents, we need to remember to spread the word of this book! Only education will help policy makers make the right decisions. These policy makers and authors of assessments need to be educated by us! This is the kind of invaluable information that can make a difference in education.
I loved that you mentioned the teachers featured in the book:
"Pegeen and Susie certainly know how to honor children and their ideas."
While I am reading the book I feel awed by how quickly they (Pegeen and Susie) are able to think of such appropriate responses to their students. It's definitely a goal for me.
Your list of language prompts really made me want to start a list, too! I've been asking myself some of the same questions you mentioned... one in particular being "What do I say now and how will that change this year?" Thanks so much for joining us!
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