The sixth Jan Thomas book,
Here comes the big, mean dust bunny, arrived in my mailbox Saturday! Tomorrow there will be excitement over her newest book in my classroom. This fall, we started the year with Jan's fifth book,
Can you Make a Scary Face? This story completely won the kids over as they interacted with the ladybug telling the story. Last year,
The Doghouse was our favorite. Jan has figured out how to make young kids laugh, read, write and read some more. I am very anxious to hear their thoughts on her newest book. I am thinking they will decide that it should be added to our list of series reads as much of the work we thought about this fall was noticing features of series books (we included picture book series titles in our study). I am also know they will be laughing and loving it!
Jan's newest book features characters from another book in her repertoire called
Rhyming Dust Bunnies. Ed, Ned, Ted and Bob, the rhyming dust bunnies are back to adventure in rhyme but run into some trouble as the big mean dust bunny bullies his way into their play. Don't worry, he gets a taste of his own medicine when Fat Cat sits on him (SPLAT)! The loyal Ed, Ned, Ted and Bob are there to rescue the thug with a tug and then a HUG! Don't miss adding it to your Jan Thomas collection!!!
I am laughing already Katie!!! Oh I can't wait to get this book!!! Enjoy it with your students!
My kids loved this book too! We are thinking along the same page. I had to postpone our writing minilesson to read this book or I was going to have an uprising on my hands. :)
I SOOOOO do not need to be ordering books right now, but I MUST have the big mean dust bunny!!!
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