The kids dove in full force to our "Sharing and Caring for the Earth" study. Today was very much about noticing the feeder outside our window. In fact, we observed so many birds we decided our tally mark chart would be an estimate since we couldn't count all the birds we saw. Throughout the day, I had to remember to embrace their excitement. Tomorrow I will set some guidelines for noticing, recording and sharing at the end of the morning instead of right smack in the middle of things. (The little black specks are a flock of birds that flew in and landed in a perfect spot for us to watch and take this photo.)
Here is what they created to keep track of how many birds they saw, the types of birds observed and the special area where all our bird resources can be found. They taped up the charts, arranged books, and tally marked all day long!
The middle chart is hard to read...1. house finch 2. carnl (cardinal) 3. corw (crow)
This is a wonderful project you're doing. I am fascinated by birds, and wish we could see them where I work. Recently, when I returned home from work, thousands of birds were in the trees across the street, making such a happy noise! I video-taped and showed it to my class next day as a writing prompt. Wow, is all I can say... the writing!!!
parabéns pela atividade, porque muitas vezes utilizamos métodos complexos para ensinar coisas simples. O que importa é o que levamos dentro de nossos corações.Deve ser mais ou menos assim em inglês:
congratulations on activity, because often use methods to teach complex things simple. What matters is what we in our hearts.
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