Last year, other staff members and I wrote grants for technology tools that we were interested in experimenting with and using in the classroom. I wrote a grant for flip cameras and have been asked to think back and document how kids and staff have used these in the classroom to document learning, share learning and create using technology.
I started to collect data this week from staff on ways flip cameras have been used throughout the building this year. Here's what I am finding...
- 4th and 5th grade students created free verse poems using the spines from books in the Library. I recorded the students performing their poems, put them into iMovie, burned them on a disk, and gave them to their classroom teachers (our librarian)
- Some of my students used the flip cameras to record modeling of appropriate social behaviors for video social stories. They turned out so cool! ( Special Education Teacher)
- We used the flip cameras in MANY ways this year. Here are a few:
- 1. Tour of the school to help create a map and then share with pen pals (both video and map)
- 2. Buddy Interviews
- 3. Commercials for our Vail Stone City "businesses" to demonstrate our understanding of economics
- 4. Share our poetry with an audience
- 5. Post to wiki to share our culture with students in Romania (3rd grade)
- In 4th grade science, we used them to film our science experiment. The experiment was to watch how water erodes earth material. Each student was able to film what happens when water is poured in different ways into earth material over a period of 5 minutes. Afterwards, they explored imovie to put the clips together. (disclaimer: imovie was really challenging!) We also used flip cameras for filming book reviews and we took flip cameras to the metro park during a field trip!
- I used the cameras in Kindergarten. The kids shared stories they wrote and gave book reviews to their classmates.I captured some of their math and science (nature walks) thinking as well. I am also planning to use the cameras to video the kindergarten timeline we will create later this week.
In second grade, the kids used the flip cameras to explore wonders which led us into questioning, research and writing information in our own words. They had opportunities to briefly review their clips, to try flip-share software to add a title, choose background music and add credits. They have also wanted to play with this technology and I provided opportunities during math choice and science where kids could document their authentic observations and creations. This week we even had some kids interested in uploading their movies to our blog.This is our first year to explore and play with ways that this tool can enhance and impact student learning. I am in awe of the teachers in our school community. There is always something to reflect about after trying something new. Anxious to see what teachers will change, build on or try with these next year...